It is cold and there is snow and I guess its a good thing I decided to take extra vacation time, because I doubt I'd have been able to fly home today. And my town was just on the news for flipping out about snow reasons. It is very cold, I'll give it that. Do not want.
I finished Dekaranger (SPD) last night! That is my fifth sentai! I am slowly making progress on my watch all the sentai (that has been subbed) goal! And I've started Magiranger, which is not quite what I was expecting, but is fun so far.
Snowflake, Day 9 - In your own space, create a fanwork. A drabble, a ficlet, a podfic, or an icon, art or meta or a rec list. A picspam. Something
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Alpha Fics are live! We have 31 fics for 27 people and no defaulters! (Okay, a few people were late, but everyone got in a fic!) That doesn't mean that there aren't pinch hitters though - I want to thank queenriley and
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First, Yuletide! I wrote Three Times is a Trend which is Protector of the Small fic about the next female knight in Tortall. I'm really happy with how that one turned out
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